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Healing Praises

Crossword puzzles, scripture by topic, homilies & sermons by topic, books, and more



"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones." 


There are no words more pleasant than the Holy Scriptures. If we had a headache, we wouldn't use toothpaste.  Instead, we would use products that address a headache.


Likewise, we can meditate and speak aloud scriptures that target our particular situation. So, on this site you'll find scriptures that address topics such as healing, insomina, finances, relatonships, and more.


When you find your topic, say the scriptures or Healing Praises aloud and meditate on them. Better yet, memorize them so you can say them at will.  It encourages you, builds your faith, keeps you focused, and reminds you of God's promises.



Read aloud? Yes! Here's why: " … faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ."  (Romans 10:17)


The crossword puzzles are a fun way to learn scripture, prayers, and psalms and to see how well you were listening to the homilies and sermons. 






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