Introduction to Algebra
The syllabus and assignment calendar for Introduction to Algebra can be found on the left sidebar.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomials.
Factor polynomials.
Simplify, multiply and divide rational expressions.
Simplify expressions using definitions and laws of integer exponents.
Sketch graphs of linear relations and determine a linear equation in two variables given pertinent information.
Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable and compound inequalities in one variable.
Solve quadratic equations using the factoring method.
Solve systems of linear equations in two variables, including applications.
Use linear equations to solve applications.
Find the slope and x- and y- intercepts of a linear relation.
Week 1 - Multiplying and Division of Real Numbers
Exponents and Order of Operations​
Addition Property of Equality
Week 2 - Multiplication of Equality
Solving Linear Equations​
Formulas and Percent
Week 3 - Introduction to Problem Solving
Solving Linear Inequalities​
Week 4 - Review, Assessment
Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables​
Week 5 - Graphing Linear Equations Using Intercepts
Slope Intercept Form of the Equation of a Line
Week 6 - Point-Slope Form of th Equation of a Line
Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing​
Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution
Week 7 - Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Addition
Problem Solving Using Systems of Equations​
Week 8 - Review, Assessment
Adding and Subtracting Polynomial
Week 9 - Multiplying Polynomials
Special Products​
Week 10 - Polynomials in Several Variables
Dividing Polynomials​
Long Division of Polynomials, Synthetic Division
Week 11 - Review, Assessment
Negative Exponents and Scientific Notation​​
Week 12 - Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by Grouping
Factor Trinomials Whose Leading Coefficient is 1​
Week 13 - Factor Trinomials Whose Leading Coefficient is Not 1
Factoring Special Forms​
Week 14 - General Factoring Strategy
Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring​
Week 15 - Review, Assessment
​Week 16 - Final Exam​
For a better understanding of what we cover each week for an online course, here are the weekly assignment topics. Before each graded assessment, there are one or more quizzes and / or formative (ungraded) quizzes with immediate feedback.